Health Donors Association of Burn Patients

The Health Donors Association of Burn Patients
Was formed to help burn injuries patients on May 13th 2021 (Eid al-fitr).

We thank God that with your support, dear donors, we have been able to help patients within 6 months from the beginning
of the work of the Health Donors Association. The Burn Patients' Health Donors Association is receiving financial support from donors.

Based on the association missions, these donations are spending on treatment costs, treatment accessories, and covid 19 necessities.

The Association of Health Donors for burn patients is proud to play a worthy role in helping to treat some patients with severe burns by 
attracting the help of donors outside the University of Medical Sciences and holding virtual campaigns,
in cooperation with other active organizations in this field. It includes the construction of a bathroom,
the allocation of facilities including wavy mattresses, hair dryers, electric mixers, fans, etc.

In order to participate in this matter, you can donate in person at the Association of Health Donors or through the announced bank. 
refah Bank account number

Bank account name: The Association of Health Donors of Velayat Hospital.
Last Update date : Jan 15 2022