The presence of the research and technology team Burn Scientific Supermacy In the ninth international congress of wound
Dr. Mohammad Reza Mobayen was honored in the honoring ceremony for exemplary researchers and researchers of Giulan University of Medical Sciences.
Participation in the 19th International Congress of the European Burn Society
Win a gold medal at the Geneva Invention Festival in the 48th edition of this global event
Holding a webinar on the role of 3D printers in medical sciences with the introduction of 3D printers
The license to publish the book "Burns and Treatment" was issued with the approval of the Scientific Resources Publishing Council of Guilan University of Medical Sciences.
Researchers at the Burn and Reconstructive Medicine Research Center of Guilan University of Medical Sciences for the first time in the country succeeded
Holding a symposium with professors of entomology department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in the comprehensive burn center of the country
Investigation of strategic measures of scientific authority of burn
The seventeenth symposium of the members of the Burn Patients Health Donors Association was held
Educational webinar "Basic principles of care in burn patients" was held.
Announcing the readiness of the head of the Iran’s national burn injuries hub for the treatment of advanced burns
A meeting was held with the presence of the head of NGOs and donors of Guilan University of Medical Sciences with the association of donors of burn injuries’ patients
Head of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Head of the Molecular Cell Research Center of Guilan University of Medical Sciences visited the Iran’s national burn injuries hub
With the efforts of the Iran’s national Burn injuries hub, a big culinary festival "Healthy food for a healthy life" will be held for all colleagues, patients and children with burn injuries.
Winning a bronze medal in the German World Invention Competition by the Clinical Development Center of Guilan University of Medical Sciences
The presence of the research and technology team Burn Scientific Supermacy In the ninth international congress of wound
Dr. Mohammad Reza Mobayen was honored in the honoring ceremony for exemplary researchers and researchers of Giulan University of Medical Sciences.
Participation in the 19th International Congress of the European Burn Society
Win a gold medal at the Geneva Invention Festival in the 48th edition of this global event
Holding a webinar on the role of 3D printers in medical sciences with the introduction of 3D printers
The license to publish the book "Burns and Treatment" was issued with the approval of the Scientific Resources Publishing Council of Guilan University of Medical Sciences.
Holding a symposium with professors of entomology department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in the comprehensive burn center of the country