Strategic plan
Values :
Continuous improvement of service quality
Training successors
Creating strong cooperation, especially the interdisciplinary interaction of university researchers, including basic and clinical sciences
Developing the culture of Islamic professional ethics in medicine
Dynamics and modernity
Using the professors’ viewpoint in main educational decision making
Addressing burn injuries patients’ needs and other related areas based on mission
"S" (Strengths)
S2 :
Upgrading the hub of burn injuries authority in the country
S1 :
Potentiality of becoming the center of the burn injuries authority
S3 :
Interest and motivation of members for educational and research activities
S4 :
active and continuous trainings
S5 :
Continuous follow-up for achievinge national and international standards
"w" (Weaknesses)
W1 :
Lack of specialized manpower in special training processes
W2 :
Lack of enough budget allocation or lack of independent budget
W3 :
lack of faculty members
W4 :
Lack of physical space
"o" (Opportunities)
O1 :
Support from the University’s dean, and education and research Vice Chancellor
O2 :
interested and active students in the field of education and research
O3 :
Positive attitude in the regional position